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Elizabeth Anscutter

As a child, Elizabeth Anscutter entered the Music Academy of Lille thanks to her schoolmistress. She spotted Elizabeth making a bold improvisation of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on an upside-down recorder by way of a microphone, and immediately advised Elizabeth’s parents that she study music.

Her  harpsichord studies, musical writings (harmony and counterpoint) and composition studies led her to the class of composition taught by Laurent Petitgirard at the École Normale Supérieure de Musique de Paris. Diploma in pocket, Elizabeth went on to perfect music composition for image with Gabriel  Yared.

Today, Elizabeth gives music conferences entitled "On vous embobine l’oreille!", "Music and Cinema" vocational training for the CNFPT, Images in Librairies and at the school of cinema EICAR, and sound effects workshops "the fabulous world of sound". Elizabeth composes for diverse images as Deputy Secretary General of Pedagogy for the Union of Movie Music Composers. She is also commissioner for contemporary classical music at Sacem.

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